Aliens Convolution has been reformatted into e-book format and is ready to be seen by fans of the series! Right now, it’s in e-pub format and if you’re an Android Phone User, all you need to do is go to your Google Play Store and download “Lithium” or any other .epub format reader that’s free and you’re ready to immerse yourself in our sci-fi horror!
Month: February 2018
We are renovating
Welcome to Abyssal Books! Home to a world of Science Fiction and Contemporary Stories! Our wonderful web host of eight years recently had to retire therefore we have switched servers and therefore switching to a new look! All the stories you’ve come to know and love will return shortly. We decided that it would be a fun time to start from scratch with a fresh new database, and a fun new look! We want the interaction between our readers and writers to be as fun and as possible and will work hard to maintain an ability to send comments about the stories within the pages as well as allow our authors to submit new material for the world to see.